Glass Butterfly Changelog


Alpha Launch 1.0 > 7/5/2024

  • First Launch

Alpha Update 1.1

  • Added Mechanical Mansion border hitboxes
  • Updated mouse to have a consistent size in the credits room
  • Altered mouse hitbox origin to make button clicking more accurate
  • Reduced menu glow effect quality to compensate for low-end devices / smoothen experience

Alpha Update 1.2 > 7/9/2024

  • Added Vignette effect to smoothen the overall look of the environment to make it feel less flat

Alpha Update 1.3 > 8/12/2023

  • Added interact to respawn, and auto respawn setting
  • Added speed-run timer toggleable through the options menu
  • Added past death indicators
  • Added best height line 
  • Smoothed background jitter
  • Smoothed mouse jitter
  • Mechanical Mansion icon mouse depth bug fixed
  • Options menu
  • Lava zone heat haze and tint shaders
  • Mouse movement smoothing
  • Background and shaders setting toggle
  • Neon mode shader setting toggle
  • Itch and Discord social links
  • Changelog Link
  • From zip test back to EXE Package


Glass Butterfly.exe 175 MB
62 days ago

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